5 Signs That Your Website is Ready for a Paid Search Campaign

Before you start thinking about running a paid search campaign, you need to make sure that your website – and your company – are ready.

You’ve heard about this Paid Search thing… or, perhaps, been told that you should use Google Ads… or maybe you’ve noticed that your competition is using it and you figure you should too, maybe.…

READY… SET… GOOGLE! A Handy Guide to Google Ads Setup

A handy guide to step you through the Google Ads Setup process so that you can get your business found.

You’ve decided.  You’re ready. Your website is ready. You’re sure about it.  Yes, it’s time to take the first big step into the world of online advertising and get Google Ads setup so that you can launch your very first campaign.…

7 Reasons to STOP Writing Business Checks

If you’re still writing business checks, you are wasting time and money on an outdated process that can quickly and easily be streamlined.

Business Checks have been around for decades, and – not that long ago – made up 86% of all non-cash payments. But times have changed. Although online payments now make up a majority of non-cash transactions, business checks still make up a significant portion of payments within the US.…

8 Website Design Tips To Remember When Launching a New Website

Building & launching a business website can be a daunting task. Here are the Top 8 website design tips to remember when launching your new business website.

There is so much to pull together during the website design process, including copy, images, hosting plans, domain names, etc.

So much so that sometimes small things fall through the cracks.…

Using Paid Search & Remarketing to Increase Holiday Traffic

It’s important to understand the tactical aspects of online holiday marketing campaigns and that there are very different types of holiday shoppers.

As we all know… the Holidays are coming.  And with them brings an onslaught of shoppers for anything and everything from gifts to entertaining to traditional treats as well as those – like me – who tend to mix a bit of “oh, I like that” shopping and indulge on something for  themselves.…

To Coupon, or Not To Coupon: That is the question

The difficult decision on whether or not to offer discount coupons is something many retailers face in today’s competitive marketplace.

Although coupons, particularly online and mobile coupons, are a significant part of many consumer’s shopping patterns, they can create issues for the small business owner.

A recent poll of small business owners showed that 56% of businesses used coupons at least occasionally in order to generate new business or retain existing customers.…

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